Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Well, it is that time of the year again where everyone makes resolutions.  Most of them have to do with our physical bodies like lose weight, go to a gym, eat better and others with "discipline" resolutions like read more, get into a better routine and so on.

It's funny how we make such a huge deal about these things when in reality most everyone has stopped all of them within just a few days - and we know this to be true when we make them!

It is the same in the Christian community.  We tell ourselves we are going to do so many things different, that now is the time to change.  I am going to read my Bible more, pray more, "witness" more, go to church more, and on and on it goes.  The problem with this, just like our physical resolutions, is that they will fail and we know this to be true before we even begin.  Oh, our intentions are pure and good, but we know what will happen in the end.

And then...we feel guilty.  Condemnation and guilt come telling us we can't change, we can't do it, it will never happen, we are doomed for this forever, etc., etc.

And guess what, they're right.  You are doomed to failure...every time you try to "do" it on your own.

You see, we have a major problem with "doing".  We have been programmed and drilled that we have to "do".  Everything comes by "doing", in fact, those that aren't "doing" are lazy and in effect worthless. I mean that's what we're told, whether that clear or through the messages that are sent to us from every side, including those of the community of believers.  In fact, church may be the worst place for this.

So we try to do and do and end up failing and failing and feeling guilty and condemned and the cycle continues.  Then, we build theologies and doctrines around our failure's saying that our struggle is just a part of life, it is the "process of sanctification" or the "working out of our salvation" and religion and frustration continue to thrive.  I don't know if you know this, but religion and frustration are bed buddies; they feed off of one another and you are their prey.

This new year, don't make another resolution for you to "do".  You are not a human "doing", you are a human "being".  We were not created to do, but rather to be.  Life is not a struggle to "do" right or behave properly or daily seek God.  No, on the contrary life is a joy and filled with peace and bliss.


 Because I am not living my life anymore, but rather I am allowing Jesus to live in and through me.  Paul wrote to the churches in Galatia and told them that he (and all believers like him) have (past tense) died with Christ and the new life we live is Jesus living in and through us (Gal. 2:20).  Think about about how much easier that is than trying to do it yourself.  The problem is, most people know that verse, but few really understand and practice it.  We quote it like a bumper sticker and think all is good, but the reality is most people haven't grasped what it really means.

Paul's point is this:  Your old life, your old existence of performance and doing, HAS BEEN crucified with Christ.  You no longer live, but rather, Christ lives in and through you.  How?  By faith in what Jesus has fully accomplished on the cross.  It really is that easy.  We have made life to hard by all of the doing and performance and trying to be righteous by self-effort (self-righteousness) when the reality is all I have to do is "be".  Christ is in me, possesses me, leads me and lives through me.  My only "job" in that equation is to let Him.

John wrote in His epistle that as Jesus is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17).  Not trying to be like Him, we are like Him.  See how much easier that is.

This year, quite trying to "do" anything and simply "be" - be holy, be righteous, be complete and be like Him everyday of your life.


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